
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Laudifications in the Christmas Octave

The Nativity of Christ ~ Lorenzo Monaco

Christmas, like Easter, has an octave - an eight day overflow of the feast day, each day speaking in the present TODAY! And here I've composed five two-lined prayers called Laudifications - short bursts of praise or exclamation as God draws near to our world in Christ at Bethlehem. We're invited to compose our own at the end. 

Today the Father's condescension becomes apparent to us;
shepherds arrive as the Lord's first guests.

Today the One who said, "Let there be light"
cries aloud in the night for his mother's milk.

Today the God of cosmic expanse
is born tiny and wrapped in binding clothes.

Today heaven is cleft and angels sing
while earth is opened as sheltering cave.

Today Christ escorts us with human hands along
the radiant path of the knowledge of God.
