
Sunday, June 4, 2017

"In Little Sips"

This native field flower is called Mouse-ear Hawkweed. It is not to be confused with dandelion. We can't see it here, but the plant gets its name from the mouse-eared shape of the leaves which hug the ground. A resilient plant, Hawkweed spreads rapidly by both runners and seeds and may well look like this again just a few days after the lawn mower comes through.

These are troubling days in many ways. And it is important to find the little remedies for what ails us lest we become cynical and morbid. An expanse of Mouse-ear Hawkweed might cheer one up and restore a sense of hope. 

Here's a bible proverb which might encourage us in this regard. I'd add beauty to the little list of things to "bind around our necks."

Do not let kindness and truth leave you;
bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart,
so you will find favor and good repute
in the sight of God and others.
Proverbs 3:3,4

I'm thinking too of Edith Piaf's song Avec ce soleil (with this sun):

To drink in life
with little sips
under the magnificent sky

Each day invites us to "drink in life with little sips"

  • a field of Hawkweed
  • a glass of wine
  • a good loaf of bread
  • a genuine laugh
  • an insight or new understanding
  • the presence of dear ones
  • a sense of personal growth and change
  • being at Mass and really believing
  • a good nights rest
  • the refreshment of water
  • music that delights
  • a bit of shade
  • an act of kindness