
Thursday, June 1, 2017

Intercessions ~ Pentecost Sunday

On the Feast of Pentecost/ we pray for the Church and its unity./ We ask for the Church to be a bold witness to Jesus-Risen/ a victor over indifference,/ fear, / pessimism and alienation./ We pray to the Lord.

On the Feast of Pentecost/ we pray for all the human family/ mistaken and often lost in exhaustion and fear./ And for the healing of emotional and spiritual wounds in our own families./ We pray to the Lord.

On the Feast of Pentecost/ we pray for those who will be Confirmed this year./ We ask the Spirit of Jesus to build them up in faith,/ prayer,/ and an eagerness to serve./ We pray to the Lord.

On the Feast of Pentecost we pray for the safety of summer travelers/ and for those who this month celebrate birthdays,/ anniversaries and other days of remembrance./ We pray to the Lord.

On the Feast of Pentecost/ we intercede for the sick and those who care for them/ asking blessings for all who hope for the healing of body, mind or spirit./ We pray to the Lord.

On the Feast of Pentecost/ we remember those places around the world where is great suffering:/ wars,/ natural disaster,/ oppression and poverty./ That the world of prosperity might rush to lift the weak ones./ We pray to the Lord.