
Thursday, November 9, 2017

Intercessions ~Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Last Sunday/ twenty-six people died in the Sutherland Baptist Church/ including a pre-born child./ We pray for that small town,/ and for legislators who will stand before God,/ having done nothing to protect the people of this nation from the epidemic of gun violence./We pray to the Lord.

Monday is the feast of Frances Xavier Cabrini,/ the first United States citizen to be canonized a saint,/ and the patron of immigrants./ We pray for those who look to come to this country,/ especially those who are fleeing for their lives./ We pray to the Lord.

Endless war,/ media saturation and consumerism/ threaten to destroy our personal and national souls./ We pray to rediscover the inner life,/ which gives birth to compassion,/ respect and love./ We pray to the Lord. 

We ask for the enlightening of darkened hearts:/ for murderers,/ terrorists,/ corporate exploiters,/ parents who fail their children,/ those who tell destructive lies./ We pray to the Lord.

For ourselves,/ our families and friends,/ and for those who are with us at Mass today,/ asking for the blessings of faith and hope,/ strength,/ good health and safety./ We pray to the Lord.

For those who died this week as a result of violence,/ war or disease./ We pray especially for those who died because of human blindness/ and for those whose mourning is profound./ We pray to the Lord.