
Sunday, November 12, 2017

You are to me, O Jesus Christ...

You are to me, O Jesus Christ...
Good teacher of the higher things
Source of prayer
Extended hand of restoration
Of whom we ask healing
Brother on the rough way

You are to me, O Jesus Christ...

Delight of those who find you
Who greets us each morning
Reassurance in anxiety
Gentle answer to the harshness
Healer of soul deformities

You are to me, O Jesus Christ...

Challenge to our inauthenticity
Mother in our failure
Tear-dryer in our sorrowing
Mighty word of inclusion
Exit out of mediocrity

You are to me, O Jesus Christ...
Safe port in the storm of human lies
Whose face calms agitation
Who censures the self-righteous
Convicting the heart-heresies
Good friend to the excluded

Father Stephen P. Morris