
Sunday, June 3, 2018

Dandelion Thoughts

These are dandelions of course - likely a jar-vase of them picked for a child's mother as a spring gift. It is said that dandelions are the one flower a child is allowed to pick without permission and with abandon. But also, dandelions are symbolic of the rigorously determined person:

Dandelions can take over a lawn in a season.
Dandelions can grow up through a crack in cement.
Dandelions can sprout in a place too shady for other desirable plants.
Dandelions can grow back even after having been mowed down. 
Dandelions can re-appear after our thinking they were successfully pulled out.

I was visiting with a friend this past Sunday who afterwards went with her four-year-old to visit her husband in prison. She later wrote about a wonderful moment when starting out to return home:

"Going home, my boy spotted some dandelions growing near the parking lot. He ran and tried to pick everyone. It was touching to see how he spotted beauty in the midst of the concrete and razor wire and the bleakness of the place. We made flower crowns, with the inmates looking out at us from their cell windows. As we were leaving, he looked up and waved to them with his flower crown and yelled, 'Bye guys' They waved back. A little light in the darkness."