
Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Prayer for this new day

Lord, yesterday cannot be re-lived,
and tomorrow is only in my imagination,
But there is this new day, 
this, today, 
and I thank you for it.

You have brought me in safety through the night:
receive my first thoughts,
my first awareness,
my first conscious breath,
my seeing, hearing and sensing.
May I set out into this day in joy and peace.

I ask the blessings of health and safety,
security and peace for my dear ones,
for those who are far away physically or emotionally,
those who I will meet today,
those who know only misery.

Keep me from a heart enflamed
with argument and discontent,
a heart preoccupied with my own agenda,
the spoilers of pettiness, willful ignorance,
and foolish waste. 

And now receive this first prayer of my new day
offered in humility and littleness
as you have invited me to say,
Our Father...

Father Stephen P. Morris