
Thursday, September 13, 2018

Intercessions ~ Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

We intercede again for Pope Francis who continually asks for our prayers,/ as he struggles to serve a Church divided and weakened by scandal./ Grant him peace,/ strength and safety./ We pray to the Lord.

This past Tuesday,/ the nation remembered September 11, 2001./ We pray for those who died that day/ and those who mourn them./ We pray as well for the thousands who have died since/ for having worked on and around Ground Zero./ We pray to the Lord.

Our religion calls us to be peacemakers./ We pray that the God of peace may cleanse the nation of our will to war./ May God give us a measure of divine wisdom and enduring resolve in the creative work of peace./ We pray to the Lord.

It is hurricane season./ Grant safety to those in harm's way,/ and blessings for those who help with rescue and recovery efforts./ Restore hope to those who suffer losses./ We pray to the Lord.

The Jewish people are celebrating their central holy days this month./ We pray for them,/ asking peace between the Israeli and Palestinian peoples./ May they model healing and reconciliation as a gift to the world./ We pray to the Lord.

Friday was the Feast of the Holy Cross,/ and Saturday,/ the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows./ We pray for those whose lives are like a crucifixion,/ where people are anguished,/ bloodied and traumatized./ May they know relief and resurrection./ We pray to the Lord.