
Sunday, September 16, 2018

"Shed Your Light"

When it rains, the water droplets wash the atmosphere of dust, pollen and pollutants. Indeed, when I took this early afternoon photo, the air smelled very clean.

Then, when the sun comes out after the rain, and the air is full of moisture, the light bends (refracts), passing through the moisture and hitting the surrounding objects, (like rocks, water and leaves) at larger angles, This causes the light to be reflected more vividly. That's what's happening in this picture looking upstream.  

A friend said, "Coming upon a moment like this, full of contrast and vibrancy, is like walking into a painting." How good life is! And this theme of light, which is God's first gift: Let there be light, and Christ, who calls himself, Light of the world, might inform us as we offer this prayer from the Middle Ages.

O Christ, our Saviour,
shed your light upon the path
 I have to tread,
that I may keep it without stumbling
and without faltering,
and come in the end to see you face to face
in the heavenly kingdom.