
Friday, October 5, 2018

An October Rosary Decade ~ The Annunciation

Sano di Pietro ~ Angel of the Annunciation ~ 15th c

Pope Francis has asked us to pray the rosary during Mary's October Month of the Holy Rosary - in response to the turbulence the devil is stirring up in the Church (and across our Nation). Putting the devil in his place is no easy thing, and so these meditations may sting or tweak.

Our Father...

Gabriel holds the olive branch of reconciliation. We are always beginning again.

Hail Mary...

Dostoevsky's character says, "Beauty will save the world."  But the only lasting beauty is the beauty of God's love. The angel comes to announce that love to Mary and our world.

Hail Mary...

There is a great battle being fought over the hearts of people. There are lots of powers on the loose: military power, spending power, lobbying power, sex abuse power, voting bloc power, corporate power. But then, there is the power of God's justice and love for each human person.

Hail Mary...

What colors array the splendid angel! Heaven and Earth are not to be viewed in black and white or even gray (the way some minds see things) but in colors, and even colors that change. It's about much more than skin tones. What an inspiring angel!

Hail Mary...

This Gabriel is an angel of light. Even the mantle over his right arm is translucent. We need heaven's light to reveal to dulled minds how the Church needs to change, if in truth we really want to know Christ, and to have Christ-formed lives.

Hail Mary...

The Angel Gabriel is called the Protector of Israel. More simply: the Protector of God's People. More simply still: the Protector of Us. We need to be protected from that which is within us: pride, self-righteousness, spiritual superficiality and other-ism.

Hail Mary...

Catholics say, the priest acts in persona Christi: in the person of Christ. But isn't that essentially an image of service? Mary gets it right, saying to the angel, "You see before you the Lord's servant..." Here is the Marian way for all of us - priests too. 

Hail Mary...

Gabriel names the Child, telling Mary, "He will be called Jesus," which means, God Saves. We need to be saved from and for many things. But Pope Francis references the "Epidemic of Hate" that is killing us in religion and nation. 

Hail Mary...

The angel speaks to Mary of her Child's conception: "The power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow." That sounds like a line from the Genesis creation account! Pray for the Church and Nation to be covered with God's Power as with shadow: for the birthing of something brand new.

Hail Mary...

Mary hears Gabriel celebrate the dignity of the Holy Child: "Son of the Most High, Give him the throne..., he will rule..., his reign will have no end." Taking nothing away from Jesus, of course, but you know what - every child shares an irreplaceable dignity. 

Hail Mary...

Glory be to the Father...