
Thursday, October 4, 2018

Intercessions ~ Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

May we cry to God/ out of the depths/ for our world:/ rude,/ threatened,/ endangered and abused;/ asking for strength to stay standing in love,/ justice and compassion./ We pray to the Lord.

Pope Francis speaks of the Epidemic of Hate which is gripping the world today./ May the Christians of all denominations,/ in a new communion of respect,/ provide an antidote to hatred./ We pray to the Lord.

The earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia have left many hundreds of people dead/ and tens of thousands homeless and displaced./ We pray for the relief and rescue efforts which have been helping from the start./ We pray to the Lord.

Thursday is the Feast of Pope St. John XXIII who said,/ "The true and solid peace of nations consists not in equality of arms,/ but in mutual trust alone."/ May we advance along this way./ We pray to the Lord.

For the President of the United States/ and all in government/ here and around the world./ May they receive the Lord's blessing,/ and be spared the hardness of heart/ Jesus condemns in the Gospel today./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the protection of children today/ mindful of children caught in armed conflicts,/ violence,/ exploitation and abuse,/ those exposed to hunger and poverty./ May our interpretation of the words Right to Life be informed and broad./ We pray to the lord.

Grant hope and healing to people who are divorced,/ addicted,/ abandoned,/ traumatized,/ sick or sad./ Give us hearts unafraid to stand in solidarity with sufferers./ We pray to the Lord.