
Sunday, November 25, 2018

Five Gathas for the First Snow

Snow through the night:
heaven's earth-kiss.
Might the gentling flakes
carry the divine knowledge
of peace.

Snow through the night:
the great equalizer.
May we learn compassion ~
community without
divisive distinctions.

Snow through the night:
in the morning 
the purest form of white ~
create clean hearts in us, O God.

Snow through the night:
I send a blessing for the ones,
anxious in traveling,
suffering inconvenience,
or inner sorrow.

Snow through the night:
delighting us in the morning,
but which will melt.
May hearts,
crystallized in cold-hate,
melt as well.

P.S. The snow covered White Pine pictured above seeded itself here about 12 years ago. It is lovely in every season.