
Thursday, November 22, 2018

Intercessions ~ Feast of Christ the King

Christ Enthroned ~ Piskopiano, Crete

The realm of Christ the King is a realm of justice,/ mercy,/ love and peace./ May the Church understand its mission to extend this healing and reconciling realm/ thereby lifting up all of humankind and creation itself./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the President of the United States and for the newly elected who will now assume roles in government./ May they be good and honorable people/ whose efforts lift the weak ones to their feet./ We pray to the Lord.

While one in six children in our nation strug
gles with hunger,/ a TV commercial this week invites us to a four day weekend of unlimited eating./May God forgive our national sin of greed,/ indifference and willful ignorance/ and give us new hearts./ We pray to the Lord.

At Mass/ we call Abraham, Our father in faith./ Traditional Jewish teaching says that Abraham set up his tent with four open sides/ so he could see strangers approach and run to meet them./ In this time of California tent cities/ for those who have lost their homes to fire/ and asylum seekers at the southern border,/ may we learn the words of Jesus,/ "Welcome the stranger."/ We pray to the Lord.

As the holiday season begins this weekend,/ we pray for our families and dear ones./ May they know the blessings of sobriety,/ good health,/ strength,/ safety,/ and the resolution of problems which cause anxiety and fatigue./ We pray to the Lord.

Finally,/ as this Liturgical year comes to a close,/ we ask for God to touch the hearts of those who are in mourning,/ or who are embittered/ or who have forgotten how to be deeply human./ We pray to the Lord.