
Sunday, January 20, 2019

Holy Communion Prayer

Here is a 14th century fresco (wall painting) from the Vatopedi Monastery at Mount Athos, Greece. It depicts the Mystical (Last) Supper of Jesus with his disciples, Holy Thursday Night. We see Peter next to Jesus' whose right hand is raised. We see young John, leaning in to Jesus, as if listening to his heartbeat. The other apostles surround the table; Judas in the bottom right bent over and confounded.

And here is a lovely preparatory prayer from the Eastern Eucharistic Liturgy we might pray, even while walking up the church aisle on the Communion line. I've added a few short notes at the end to help us understand the prayer better.

O Son of God, bring me into Communion this day with your Mystical Supper. I will not tell your enemies the secret, nor will I kiss you with Judas' kiss, but like the good thief, I cry, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom." 

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Notice, the prayer is addressed to Jesus and asks that through Holy Communion I would experience a deep, personal union with him.

The word "Mystical" supper says more than "Last" Supper. "Last" puts the emphasis on time, whereas "Mystical" stresses that a wondrous thing is happening here, so close, I might miss it. 

"I will not kiss you with Judas' kiss," is a poetic way of saying, "Jesus, I will not betray you."  That's a prayer of the best intention, isn't it?

But instead: I will ask, with the repentant thief crucified next to you Jesus, for admittance to your Kingdom. And that Kingdom is not simply heaven, but that I would live under your rule now, which is your rule of love.