
Thursday, January 17, 2019

Intercessions ~ Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

"What good is a road if it doesn't lead to a church."

We pray for our relatives and our friends,/ interceding for those living stressed lives./ For those with marriage,/ money,/ emotional or health problems./ We pray not to get lost to our own anger and anxiety/ in our concern for them./ We pray to the Lord.

With Jesus,/ we have experienced the baptismal flood of water/ referred to in the  Gospel today./ Grant that Christians everywhere and of all denominations/ would flood the world with Christ's mercy;/ Christ's justice./ We pray to the Lord.

Pope Francis visits the young people in Panama City this week for World Youth Day./ We pray for the young people of the world,/ asking for their safety,/ courage,/ sobriety/ and growth in goodness./ We pray to the Lord.

For the President of the United States,/ and national leaders everywhere;/ may they not be panderers to pollsters,/ bases,/ ideologies,/ lobbyists or media personalities,/ but servants of God,/ who look to realize God's purposes./ We pray to the Lord.

For the safety of winter travelers,/ for those who lack food or proper and reliable shelter in the cold time,/ for whom money is short,/ or who suffer loneliness./ We pray to the Lord.

We humbly ask for some enlightened person,/ a prophet,/ healer or holy person,/ to be raised up/ with gifts or powers of reconciliation,/ for the restoration of the nation's unity./ We pray to the Lord.