Creation of the Plants ~ Romanian Icon
Pope Francis visits Morocco this weekend./ We pray for Christians and Muslims to learn that we are not enemies/ but can embrace each other as friends,/ patterning for the world a way to peace,/ working together for the needs of the poor and forgotten./ We pray to the Lord.
For the President of the United States,/ our Congress and those in leadership everywhere,/ mindful of those countries where the people are stressed by wars,/ famine,/ poverty,/ un-employment and internal division./ We pray to the Lord.
One priest-author has recently written that there is not a crisis of faith in the world, / but a crisis of love./ As the Springtime unfolds/ may we learn to love in some new way,/ leaving for the generations behind us,/ a planet which is alive with awareness,/ respect and compassion./ We pray to the Lord.
We pray for the sick who have been entrusted to our prayer,/ asking for gifts of healing and comforting./ We remember as well those who work in hospitals,/ nursing homes and hospices./ For the healing of old wounds and memories which might still afflict us./ We pray to the Lord.
May we stay encouraged this Lent,/ and not be lost to despair,/ resentment,/ cynicism,/ or any bitterness that might rob us of the energies of mercy and love./ We pray to the Lord.