
Sunday, August 25, 2019

Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man Inside and Out

17 One day while Jesus was teaching, some Pharisees and experts in the Law were sitting near him. They had come out of every village in Galilee and Judaea as well as from Jerusalem. 18 The Lord's power to heal people was with him. Soon some men arrived carrying a paralytic on a small bed and they kept trying to carry him in to put him down in front of Jesus. 19 When they failed to find a way of getting him in because of the dense crowed, they went up on to the top of the house and let him down, bed and all, through the tiles, into the middle of the crowd in front of Jesus. 20 When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the man, "My friend, your sins are forgiven."
21 The scribes and the Pharisees began to argue about this, saying, "Who is his man who talks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins? Only God can do that." 22 Jesus realized what was going on in their minds and spoke straight to them. "Why must you argue like this in your minds? 23 Which do you suppose is easier to say, 'Your sins are forgiven' or  to say, 'Get up and walk'? 24 But to make you realize that the Son of Man has full authority on earth to forgive sins - I tell you," he said to the man who was paralyzed, "Get up, pick up your bed and go home!"
25 Instantly the man sprang to his feet before their eyes, picked up the bedding on which he used to lie, and went off home, praising God. 26 Sheer amazement gripped every man present, and they praised God and said in awed voices, "We have seen incredible things today." (Luke 5:17-26)

This sensitive painting was created by the young American artist, J. Kirk Richards. We might imagine we are sitting in the circular room, or looking in through a large window similar to the one on the opposite side. That's precisely what classic Christian meditation does - I enter and take up my place in the Gospel scene. 

Verse 17: These religious "experts" have been sent from headquarters. They do not love Jesus; they do not want his friendship. They are suspicious men, looking to catch Jesus either breaking a law or teaching unapproved theologies.

Verse 18: "The Lord's power to heal people was with him (Jesus). Maybe the first ones who need to be healed are these religious guys. We can lose sight of this, thinking that it's always the "others" who need the healing. 

And what wonderful friends this paralyzed man had. They are un-named; we don't know who they were. They understand an essential thing: we live to help and comfort others.

Verse 19: What determination - ripping open the tile roof through which they lowered their friend down before Jesus. A missionary priest was driving his jeep up into the mountains of Central America to celebrate the First Communion Day Mass for a group of seven year olds in a far flung community. But the river was so swollen and fast moving, the priest was unable to drive across where he was to meet the children and their families. So the dads made a human chain across the furious river and passed the little ones up in the air, one dad to the other, until everyone was safely delivered to the other side, where the priest offered the First Communion Mass. What determination - to get children to the Mass for this encounter with Christ. 

Verse 20: This is interesting: Jesus gave the paralyzed man the gift of forgiveness based on the faith of the friends who carried him. That's not what he wanted, but Jesus knew better.  The man's real need or problem was an interior one. But he was unable to walk! What kind of sins could he have possibly committed? We don't know. All we can do is come to know ourselves better.

Verse 21: The  Pharisees and "experts" get sniffy that Jesus has forgiven sins. Unattractive, isn't it?

Verse 22:  I love this line: "Jesus knew what was going on in their minds." The Pharisees are not not happy. Pity the person who doesn't find joy in his or her religion. Jesus doesn't give them a pass, but calls them out on it - so much fussing about things that are not essential.

Verses 23, 24: Jesus performs the outer wonder to draw attention to the real and deeper wonder, which is interior. Wonder! Have we lost it: wonder before God, about the gift of life, about beauty, about the treasure which is the planet-gift we've been given?

Verses 25,26: The paralyzed man has received a double gift: forgiveness and new legs. Healed inside-out, he goes off free, as if dancing. The crowd echoes the joy - everyone is filled with awe and gratitude. This is the spiritual life: wide-awake awe, wonder, praises, thanks - at least an interior dance before the incredible delights and gifts of God.  

Wonder, thanks and praise: It is nearly 7:00 P.M. in the middle of August. The sun is lowering just a bit. I can see the harbor through the trees, which are moving after the big rain. The water is reflecting light, like diamonds.