
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Up! Up! Up!

Standing here at the edge of Hempstead Harbor, I turned around from my water view and saw the top of Saint Mary's Church (where I was covering for the pastor for three weeks) sticking up and out of the trees. I wasn't looking for this view. That's serendipity!

This curious word, sort of invented in 1754, comes from the fairy tale of the Three Persian Princes of Serendip who continually made unexpected discoveries as they traveled along. Serendipity is a happy surprise, accidental or unexpected discovery. Serendipity can occur when stepping into the new day, when hearing a voice on the other end of a telephone, when visiting with a friend or relative, when making a purchase or going on a trip. Or, as in this case quite literally, when simply turning around.

But while I experienced the happy surprise of seeing the top of the church tower beyond the woods, there was also the lovely surprise of discovering this great heaping up of horizontal lines. Look! The water's edge is horizontal. Then there is the dark horizontal water mark on the grasses nearest the shore. The light green grass then cuts across horizontally. Then there is the darker, olive green grass, followed by the first rank of horizontal trees. There is a little space between another horizontal row of more trees. The tower-top is horizontal, as are the vents under the roof. Finally, there are the darkest green trees which seem to explode, like clouds of green volcanic eruption. I think that's eight stacked rows of horizontal lines calling us upwards.

I want my own life to be in an upward movement - from what's base and un-divinized to a fullness of light. These are dark times. Can you honestly name how your own life (inside or out) has been, or is being impacted? Not a few people are feeling un-sure, insecure, un-nerved, afraid, trapped, depressed. The planet is burning and melting, the radio talk show guy says people from Central America are diluting the white race, the veneration of guns is at a fever pitch. 

Something new is needed. I'll check in with this rank-on-green-rank photograph often over the next weeks - allowing it to invite me upwards, to restoration and hope.