
Thursday, September 12, 2019

Intercessions ~ Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

September Begins the Monarch Migration

We ask for the health,/ safety and well-being of Pope Francis/ as he travels widely in humility and peace./ May we extend his message of reconciliation and healing./ We pray to the Lord.

For the President of the United States,/ our Congress and those in leadership around the world./ May they be stable,/ principled,/ soulful people,/ of sound disposition and wise in their judgments./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the Caribbean island-nation of the Bahamas,/ now a waste land after Hurricane Dorian,/ Fifty dead have been recovered./ Fifteen hundred are missing./ Many were perhaps swept out to sea./ Seventy thousand are homeless./ For those suffering fear, pain and loss./ We pray to the Lord.

This past Wednesday marked the events of September 11, 2001./ We pray for the inner healing of so many friends and family who lost loved ones that day,/ and for the health of 9/11 first responders and helpers./ For a peaceful world./ We pray to the Lord.

Jesus didn't just tolerate the people who came from other places,/ but he loved them./ May we learn his lesson well/ around the world/ where bitter expressions of xenophobia are on the rise./ We pray to the Lord.

Each September,/ great migrations of birds and other animals begin in our hemisphere./ May we know and treasure the movements and mysteries of our planet-home./ We pray to the Lord.