
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Little Scroll - Is There A Message For Us?

This icon is titled simply "Virgin and Child," While painted in the Byzantine style, we also observe the strong Italian (Venetian) influence of the late 14th century.  The Mother of God holds the Christ in her left arm, while touching him with her right hand. Looking at us with his full frontal and piercing gaze, he sees us as he holds his mantle close with his own right hand. His left hand holds an open scroll - is there a message for us? 

Mary has a second veil under her enveloping maphorion. The initials M and D appear in roundels top left and right. These stand for the Latin words Mater Dei - Mother of God. The Greek initials over Christ's nimbus IC XC, stand for Jesus Christ. The three stars on the top of Mary's head and her left and right shoulders signify her virginity, before, during and after the birth of her Son. 

"Do everything you can to get Christ into your life, there is everything to take him away."  

Christ in my breathing. 
Christ in my thinking. 
Christ in my feeling. 

Christ in my deciding. 
Christ in my choosing. 
Christ in my doing.

Christ in my perceiving. 
Christ in my relating.
Christ in my politics (Really!?)

Christ in my valuing.
Christ in my prioritizing.
Christ in my venturing.