
Thursday, October 10, 2019

Intercessions ~ Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

We pray for Pope Francis and the Pan-Amazon Synod taking place in Rome this month./ For the hundreds of indigenous communities throughout the Amazon region/ which are threatened by exploitation./ We pray to the Lord.

Tuesday is the Feast of the 16th century Spanish Mystic,/ Teresa of Avila./ May we learn her spiritual way of living humbly,/ welcoming God,/ who is unchanging in love./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the President of the United States/ asking for world leaders of good conscience/ who will help their people through the dark chaos./ We pray to the Lord.

Three million children die of hunger around the world each year./  We ask not only for forgiveness/ but also for a new global heart,/ reflective of God's priorities./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for our own families/ and families around the world,/ where there are addictions,/ money or relationship problems,/ the stresses of the young and the elderly./ For safety,/ peace and good health./ We pray to the Lord.

For ourselves this week,/ where we feel insecure,/ powerless,/ lost,/ un-well or confounded by problems and the unknown./ We pray to the Lord.