
Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Shagbark Hickory

Isn't this a show-stopper? It is a young, three foot high, Shagbark Hickory tree growing along the edge of the woods. While taking my morning laps I noticed it; the leaves wet and brilliant. By the next day the leaves had turned muddy brown. 

But I couldn't remember the name of the tree and stumbled around for some hour in a guidebook looking for an answer. Then another day or two later, coming around the top of the long driveway, a nut fell from a very tall tree and hit me on the head. When I looked up I recognized the same leaves but still green. This led to that, when a friend remembered that I'd already written about the tree and its meaning some time ago (October 8, 2015). 

This wonderful October-time—a time of color, bud setting, bird departure, windshield frost and temperature drop—invites us to an attentive interiority. The link to the original Shagbark post is found in the right margin here, off to the right of this page.