
Thursday, December 19, 2019

Intercessions ~ Fourth Sunday in Advent

The angel in Joseph's dream made it clear to him what he was to do./ We ask heaven to assist us in our own choosing and deciding,/ that we may live authentic,/ God-pleasing lives./ We pray to the Lord.

Pope Francis is courageous when he says that even possessing nuclear weapons is immoral/ as the maintenance of huge arsenals robs the planet of resources that could lift whole countries out of poverty./ May we learn how to be brave for Christ's sake./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray boldly for the nation/ to be protected through times of crisis,/ disaster and wrong-headedness./ Grant that we would learn wisdom of heart,/ and be renewed in faith and love./ We pray to the Lord.

For the safety of holiday travelers,/ for the consolation and endurance of any who have suffered great losses this past year./ For those without family or friend./ We pray to the Lord.  

We ask to come to Christmas healed of our own resentments./ We pray for the sick and for those who are far away./For those who will work through Christmas./ For Christians who no longer believe./ We pray to the Lord.    

We pray for the children of Christmas,/ mindful that many are crushed by poverty,/ war,/ domestic violence/ trafficking or neglect./ We pray to the Lord.