
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Winter Night Sky

The night sky photographed here is seen from the Flambeau River State Forest in Wisconsin. It's one of a number of places where people can visit to see the night sky without light pollution dimming the view.

We've all got a patch of sky over our heads. I live pretty much out in the sticks where the night sky is still vivid. Maybe you'll remember the psalm verse (147:4) - "He knows the number of the stars, and calls them each by name."

Stellarium is a mobile app that can show you (wherever your location) the named stars, constellations and planets of your piece of sky. Here's my own 4:15 A.M. outdoor thoughts.

These forest trees,
gray wintering and
barren branched—

now carrying 
the gibbous moon,
satellite and midnight flight,

and Capella,
and Castor.