
Sunday, December 19, 2021

Day 9 ~ Akathist of Thanksgiving ~ in the Advent Time

Sagrada Familia Interior ~ Barcelona

For an introduction to this thirteen part prayer scroll back to November 29.

Kontakion 9

Why is it that on a Feast Day the whole of nature mysteriously smiles? Why is it that then a heavenly gladness fills our hearts; a gladness far beyond that of earth and the very air in church and in the altar becomes luminous? It is the breath of your gracious love. It is the reflection of the glory of Mount Tabor. Then do heaven and earth sing your praise: Alleluia!

Ikos 9

When you called me to serve my brothers and sisters and filled my soul with humility, one of your deep, piercing rays shone into my heart; it became luminous, full of light like iron glowing in the furnace. I have seen your face, the face of mystery and of unapproachable glory.

Glory to you, transfiguring our lives with deeds of love.
Glory to you, making wonderfully sweet the keeping of *your commandments.
Glory to you, making yourself known where  people show mercy to their neighbor.
Glory to you, *sending us failure and misfortune that we may understand the sorrows of others.
Glory to you, rewarding us so well for the good we do.
Glory to you, welcoming the impulse of our heart's love.
Glory to you, raising to the heights of heaven every act of love in earth and sky.
Glory to you, O God from age to age. 

* "sweet keeping of your commandments" — But which of the many hundreds? The two Jesus put together to form one: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul. And love your neighbor as yourself." 

* "sending us failure and misfortune." Does God really do that? I don't think so, but we'll leave the wrangling to the theologians. But failure and misfortune show us that we are much stronger than we think we are. They show us "what we're made of."  Suffering enables us to stand in a felt solidarity with other human beings who suffer as well — if even faraway.