
Thursday, December 16, 2021

Intercessions ~ Fourth Sunday in Advent


We pray for those who died in the recent tornados that tore through Kentucky,/ Missouri,/ Mississippi,/ Arkansas,/ Tennessee and Illinois,/ for those who mourn friends,/ colleagues and family,/ for those who have lost everything,/ for those who are helping./ We ask for gifts of courage and hope./ We pray to the Lord.

Bless the pilgrims who will celebrate Christmas with Pope Francis in Rome./ May his message of peace inspire world leaders to set out in new directions of dialogue and solidarity./ We pray to the Lord. 

In the Advent-Christmas time/ preserve us in our allegiance to Christ,/ may we not be lost to grievance and complaint,/ consumed with fear and false loyalties to money,/ personality-cult,/ the denials of the day,/ hoarding,/ entitlement and panic./ May Christ/ the "Wonderful Counsellor" be our truth./ We pray to the Lord.

As we light the fourth Advent candle,/ we approach the days of the longest darkness./ We pray for those who live in the deep shadow of substance abuse,/ domestic violence and failed parenting,/ gang violence,/ racist hatred,/ desperation and depression,/ punitive imprisonment or slavery./ May they know freedom,/ light and human wholeness./ We pray to the Lord.

Christmas nears — we pray for the people who first introduced us to Jesus and his Mother,/ for those who have taught,/ rescued or helped us in any way throughout the years./ May those who are lonely or marginalized this time of year/ know companionship,/ love and affirmation./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for congregations around the world preparing to celebrate Christmas/ and to hear again the story of Christ's birth./ May we treasure the planet God has come to visit,/ and learn Christ's way of generosity,/ humility,/ kindness and love./ We pray to the Lord.