
Thursday, June 30, 2022

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Open my heart's eyes that I may see the wondrous blessings of creation. Psalm 119

The 19th century American poet Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote,/ "The dearest events are summer rain."/ May we never waste God's gifts,/ but treasure them all,/ especially the gift of water./ We pray for those who live where there is drought/ or where water is unsafe to drink,/ or where war has destroyed the infrastructure that delivers water./ We pray to the Lord.

This July 4th weekend,/ we pray to understand freedom more fully and spiritually./ We ask to be freed from whatever keeps us from loving well:/ fear,/ judgments,/ superficial or false religion,/ entitlement,/ superiority,/ racism,/ unresolved resentments./ We pray to the Lord.

As fireworks light up the sky,/ may Christ light up minds,/ where we confuse freedom with the pursuit of rights which are useful only to ourselves or the mindset to which we ascribe./ We pray for Christians who are more familiar with their political agenda than they are with the sayings of Jesus./ We pray to the Lord.

In its assault against Ukraine,/ Russia is using thermobaric-vaporizing-vacuum bombs which melt metal at three thousand degrees/ and consume such massive amounts of oxygen,/ no living thing,/ even those hidden underground/ can survive./ In this invasion,/ civilians are dying by incineration,/ starvation,/ suffocation and execution./ We pray boldly for God to intervene by the voice and power of the Risen Christ./ We pray to the Lord.

In the summer time we pray for the earth to heal where there are dangerous storms or destructive fires./ For the safety of vacationers and travelers./ Protect those who rescue and help wherever there are disasters,/ injuries and loss of life./ We pray to the Lord.

Strengthen Pope Francis who struggles with incapacity and pain/ but who seems intent on going to Canada to apologize for the part the Church played in the abuse of indigenous children./ Heal the Church wherever its sins cause harm and pain./ Give the Church a truly humble and repentant heart./ We pray to the Lord.