
Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Prayer Before the Madonna with the Vetch Flower


Here is a triptych (a three-paneled image) by an anonymous 15th century artist. The painting is titled, Madonna with the Vetch Flower. That's St. Catherine of Alexandria on the left and St. Barbara on the right. The image in the center is remarkable. Mary's folded arms hold securely the Infant who seems to be squirming out of his clothes. He holds his Mother by the chin and a rosary in his left hand. 

Mary delicately holds a vetch flower in her left hand. Vetch belongs to the pea family. Growing on a twine-ing vine it is perfectly symbolic of spirituality — the soul's searching. Psalm 105:4 says: "We search for you and your strength; we continue to seek your face."

Rosary of Mary, one —

  your presence comforts me.

Rosary of Mary, two —

  the thought of you makes me glad.

Rosary of Mary, three —

  the precious things of children, 

  flowers, forests and oceans.

Rosary of Mary, four —

  hold us securely in our planetary stress.

Rosary of Mary, five — 

  all gazing.

Rosary of Mary, six —

  in this moment's breath.

Rosary of Mary, seven —

  number of fullness.


Father Stephen Morris