
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

A Rosary Decade When Feeling Hopeless or Heavy Hearted

A few years ago Pope Francis lovingly referred to the Rosary as, "the sweet chain that ties us to God." And recently a friend and I were talking about her rosary prayer group and she asked about the rosary I own. I sent this picture of the rosary I made when I was newly ordained nearly forty three years ago. It has gone with me all along the way. I can imagine you have your own. I enjoy presenting it here every now and again, inviting folks to pray with me. 

Here are short meditations to aid focus between each Hail Mary when perhaps feeling hopeless or heavy hearted. Or maybe you're just sitting in a waiting room and the magazines are a waste of time and you'd care to join the prayer.

Our Father...

I woke this morning beginning the new day with gratitude. God's mercies are all around — that I am God's dear child even when I don't feel it, that I am forgiven what happened even a very long time ago. God did not create me simply to figure out what work I have to do, but how to be, how to live — authentically, like Jesus.

Hail Mary...

Perhaps there is something that weighs heavily on my heart — something which threatens hope in me, which steals away energy, sleep or joy — which tests faith.

Hail Mary...

Is there worry in my life because I feel my aging (or someone dear to me)? I detect physical changes, weakness or losses that concern me. My sight, my hearing, my bones, my mind, my energy? Perhaps these signs of outer loss are an invitation to live more interiorly? In an extroverted world, to go inside. In a world that can't stop talking, to listen, to be more still. 

Hail Mary...

The state of the world is causing many people to feel hopeless. We need servant leaders. I pray for them, and that the world would be done with autocrats, liars, cowards, power-grabbers, conspiracy creators, manipulators, disrupters, soulless people devoid of conscience. What grief these people cause.

Hail Mary...

A woman who survived the Yugoslav war said, "We couldn't believe anyone would bomb a medieval city?" But here we are again with the invasion of Ukraine. It is unthinkable that in our time a single man could cause so much death, pain and destruction. Even the churches of his own publicly claimed religion are blown up. In my helplessness I pray...

Hail Mary...

Perhaps there is a person with whom I feel distance. Maybe there has been a disagreement or there is simply physical distance. The nation feels at times as if it is poised for a new war of division. There are people who call for it. Our poor weaponized country. Even the children seem to have lost their right to go to school feeling safe. In my frustration I pray...

Hail Mary...

Some events can cause us to say, "There are no words to describe how I feel." Maybe some trauma, guilt, disappointment, mistake or failure. Is there perhaps some life-turn that I simply can't make sense of, or a worry that I can't seem to shake? In that helplessness I can pray...

Hail Mary...

Is there someone I know whose struggle is chronic — a disability, a wound, handicap, some emotional problem, addiction, depression or physical disease. In my fear of the unknown or not knowing how to help I pray... 

Hail Mary...

I only have to walk outside and feel the unrelenting heat and drought to become worried. Or in other places the problem is floods. Everything seems to be record breaking or un-precedented. The covid pandemic and threats of new diseases have left us alienated and worn out. The new weapons the world continually turns out are increasingly fearsome. In my discouragement I can pray...

Hail Mary...

Before I end this rosary decade can I simply be still, quiet, silent — giving heaven some moment or space in which to speak a word. 

Hail Mary...

Glory be to the Father