
Sunday, August 28, 2022

Christ to Bless ~ A Morning Prayer

The Blessing of Christ ~ Hans Hemling (1481)

Christ to bless my mind and the thoughts of this new day.
Christ to bless my heart and its rhythmic beating.
Christ to bless my heart again and all its feeling.

Christ to bless my eyes and all their viewing.
Christ to bless my ears and their sensitive listening.
Christ to bless my nose and each life-breath inhaled.

Christ to bless my hands and every thing they give or receive.
Christ to bless my mouth and every word spoken.
Christ to bless my feet and the path they walk.

Christ to bless the work I undertake.
Christ to bless the prayers I pray.
Christ to bless my setting out and my returning.

Christ to bless my advances and my setbacks.
Christ to bless these friends of mine.
Christ to bless my family in its complexity.

Christ to bless my discipleship.
Christ to bless those I've failed or offended.
Christ to bless the days remaining. 

Fr. Stephen Morris