
Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Beautiful too...


Muscovite Schist

The beauty of the schist-y stone church

Beautiful too the Sunday Song.

The beauty of Nazareth's Ave

Beautiful too Bethlehem's Gloria.

The beauty of the cricket awake all night

Beautiful too the silence of dawn.

The beauty of the purple crocus

Beautiful too the pollen-laden bee.

The beauty of Aquila, Cygnus and Phaeton

Beautiful too the night flight on its way to JFK.

The beauty of the womb's conceptus

Beautiful too each person born.

The beauty of spring's greening

Beautiful too autumn's leaf-drop.

The beauty of the cirrus sky

Beautiful too the cloudless. 

The beauty of God long ago

Beautiful too a present life in Christ.

The beauty of the weather's changing

Beautiful too a gentling heart.

The beauty of the icon's lamp

Beautiful too Venus at midnight.

The beauty of meeting a saint

Beautiful too expecting to hear God.

The beauty of eyes lifted to heaven

Beautiful too one's feet on the ground.

The beauty of God's reliable love

Beautiful too compunctive tears.

The beauty of the Divine Face

Beautiful too the I and the Thou.

Fr. Stephen Morris