
Thursday, September 8, 2022

Intercessions ~ Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Pope John Paul I/ whose papacy lasted only thirty-three days,/ was beatified last week./ At the Vatican ceremony Pope Francis said of him:/ "How beautiful is a church with a happy, serene and smiling face, that never closes doors, never hardens hearts, never complains or harbors resentments, isn't angry, does not look dour or suffer nostalgia for the past." May we learn this lesson well./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for this community of faith,/ worship and service today./ We ask for the blessings of courage and strength/ to live well the vocations God has called us to/ for the good of others./ We pray to the Lord.

Children and young people have returned to school./ We pray for them and for their teachers,/ administrators and staff./ May they learn well,/ be kept safe,/ and preserved from the bitter contention that weakens and tires and distracts./ We pray to the Lord.

Today marks the anniversary of the terrorist attacks on New York's World Trade Center,/ The Pentagon in Washington D.C./ and outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania. A total of  2977 people died./ We pray for those who mourn loved ones still,/ for the many who still suffer physical and emotional effects for having worked in and around these sites long after September 11./ For recovery,/ wellness and courage./ We pray to the Lord. 

All around the world there is great suffering from unprecedented heat,/ forest fires,/ drought and conversely/ in other places,/ floods./ Lives have been lost and winter food supplies have been negatively impacted./We will need understanding,/ generosity and patience this winter./ We pray to the Lord.

The soil,/ air and water of Ukraine are being laid waste and left toxic by this invasion/ that began in February./ We pray for the cessation of violence and for restoration.// We pray for the children,/ the elderly and the weak./ Some of those left behind./ who survived the brutalities of the Second World War/ are now once again living in fear and extreme need./ The winter will claim many more lives./ We pray to the Lord.