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Christ Emmanuel ~ God is with us. |
October is Respect Life Month./ We pray for babies who are in the first month of life within the womb./ We pray for their mothers and fathers,/ asking for them gifts of generosity and strength./ We pray to the Lord.
In Respect Life Month we pray for prisoners around the world,/ asking for their inner healing and the conversion of hearts to the truth of God's love./ We pray to the Lord.
Let us pray for those who suffer from Ebola/ and for health care workers who assist the sick or who research for a cure./ And as Africa is begging for a global response of compassionate assistance/ we pray for the world's heart to be moved./ We pray to the Lord.
Pope Paul VI spoke to the United Nations General Assembly on October 4th, 1965./ He said, "War never again; never again war."/ We pray boldly/ asking God for the conversion of human hearts to the things of justice,/ which creates peace./ We pray to the Lord.
As there are meetings in Rome preparing the agenda for next years Synod on the Family,/ we pray to stop blaming others for the threats to marriage and family life./ We ask rather, / that we would know ourselves truly/ and set out to find healing where selfishness tires,/ strains and ruins family relationships./ We pray to the Lord.
We ask for that true religious freedom which is interior./ For freedom from self-pity,/ addictions,/ ingratitude,/ hurtful impatience,/ and those actions which leave others lonely and unattended./ We pray to the Lord.
We ask God for the good health we need to do our work and to love our families./ We pray in solidarity with the sick,/ the fearful and depressed,/ the wounded,/ the dying and those with special needs and challenges,/ We pray to the Lord.
Finally we pray for all the dead/ asking Jesus to welcome them into the heavenly banquet which is shared here at Mass./ We pray to the Lord.