We pray for Pope Francis,/ and the Church he loves and serves./ In the season of ordinations/ we pray for priests and deacons around the world,/ asking for them to experience a spiritual awakening./ We pray to the Lord.
We ask to learn justice/ so that peace may grow and increase around the planet./ For those born into the world where there is no opportunity,/ no education,/ but only debilitating poverty./ We pray to the Lord.
Countless persons are on the move around the world,/ fleeing wars,/ famine,/ dictatorships,/ terrorism and gangs./ May we be more than fans of Jesus,/ and as his true disciples,/ learn his way of welcoming strangers./ We pray to the Lord.
For the President of the United States,/ our Congress,/ and those seeking public office./ May the world be blessed with leaders who govern with ethical principles./ We pray to the Lord.
Grant that we would be healed of exclusivity,/ racism,/ and the many phobias we speak of /which are not so much fears/ as they are various forms of hatred./ We pray to the Lord.
For the sick,/ the weak,/ the addicted and the wounded./ For the conversion of war profiteers,/ and those whose investments encourage exploitation./ We ask blessings for those/ who have helped and supported us throughout the years./ We pray to the Lord.