Pauca Verba is Latin for A Few Words.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Following Yonder Star


The heavens offer a star. See its ray of light descending upon the Child in the tomb-bed. The veil between heaven and earth has been pierced and God has joined us in the dark night. In the ancient world a star indicated a royal birth. But a star is also one of the first things we see after a stormy night as the clouds break. And so stars are signs of restored hope. 

Here, a star gives direction and leads to the fulfillment of our deepest searching.  The traveling magi have found the One they've sought. See them on the far left of the icon, wide-eyed and bowing. Stars have their own light and Jesus will tell us that he is LIGHT for the world. That includes my own little world.

O Christ our Savior, shed your light upon the path I have to tread.