Pauca Verba is Latin for A Few Words.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Sunday Intercessions ~ Third Sunday in Advent

Prophet Isaiah ~ Marc Chagall

Today is Gaudete or Rejoice Sunday!/ We ask not to be defeated by cynicism,/ sadness,/ argument,/ bitterness or complaint,/ but to be given the gift of joy in Christ's birth./ We pray to the Lord.

Soon we will be gathering with family and friends for Christmas./ We ask for the safety of travelers and for peace in our homes./ We pray as well for any of our relatives who no longer believe./ We pray to the Lord.

This has been a week of national remembering:/ a year ago, the murder of 20 young children at Sandy Hook Elementary School./ We pray for mourners and all whose lives need deep healing after experiencing the trauma of violent death,/ war,/ disaster and sudden loss./ We pray to the Lord.

We entrust to God's healing and care/ those who are sick or living with special needs./ We pray for those who are care-givers in homes,/ hospitals,/ nursing homes,/ hospices and clinics./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray a blessing for this week ahead,/ asking that we would be the living stones which build up the Church,/ and that we would begin each day in the freshness of Christ./ We pray to the Lord.

The Prophet Isaiah warns against putting our confidence in leaders and alliances./ We pray to know Christ/ whose light informs us for the renewal of our minds./We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the dead/ recalling especially our own dear ones./ For persons deceased who have taught us,/ opened up opportunity for us,/ or done us any good./ And for any person who has died with whom we have had resentments./ We pray to the Lord.