Pauca Verba is Latin for A Few Words.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Blessed Assurances

Rembrandt ~ The Head of Christ ~ 1640's

There is a wonderful hymn sung in African American churches called, "Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine." Here I have tried to expand on that — celebrating and invoking Christ who hopes for each of us to become awakened and true human persons. That's what authentic religion should do. Might I suggest a slow read with pauses and deep breaths.

The birth of Christ blesses me.

The beauty of Christ cheers me.

The call of Christ my re-creation.

The word of Christ my absolution.

The spirit of Christ brings me to life again.

The arms of Christ enfold me.

The gaze of Christ protects me.

The presence of Christ watches over me.

The light of Christ by which I see.

The uniqueness of Christ evolves my own.

The heart of Christ awakens mine.

The face of Christ restores my smile.

The tears of Christ compassionate me.

The prayer of Christ removes the weapons from my heart.

The breath of Christ to make my speech loving.

The ears of Christ heighten my listening.

The eyes of Christ recognize me.

The side wound of Christ, my entre.

The Kingdom of Christ, I belong.

The Mother of Christ — may I say, merriment?

The miracles of Christ surround me by thousands.

The hands of Christ the touch of peace.

The Cross of Christ dilates my mind.

The Rising of Christ — I am alive!