Catholicism is the largest Christian denomination in the United States./ The second largest denomination is fallen-away Catholics./ Many claim to have abandoned the Church because they do not feel genuine community,/ welcome or joy./ May we grow as Jesus would have us grow/ into a global community/ affording humanity an experience of the enfolding love of God./ We pray to the Lord.
A Florida woman was interviewed who had lost everything to Hurricane Ian./ She lay on the ground with her dog where her house had been and said to the interviewer,/ "Tell me what to do and where to go."/ Many people exist this way/ due to famine,/ war or disaster — having no where to go,/ not knowing what to do./ St. Francis said, "I can't do everything, but I can do something."/ We pray to the Lord.
The brutal bombardment of Ukraine continues/ and the world feels more vulnerable by the day./ Grant peace to our world,/ save us from failed leaders — soul-surrendered and shameless in their own obsession with power./ And may we pray this prayer not only for places faraway,/ but for our own country as Election Day approaches./ We pray to the Lord.
We pray for Pope Francis/ and for the Church where it is fractured or marked by distracting tensions./ For the Church where it has not recovered from covid,/ where it is exhausted or tormented by enemies./ For Christian communities which have become complacent or have lost their sense of the Gospel./ We pray to the Lord.
October is the Month of the Rosary — a prayer of going around and around in mystery and contemplation./ May we discover God's Christ-closeness in our own lives/ as we go around and through our day-to-day lives/ where there is joy,/ but also fear,/ loneliness,/ pain,/ doubt,/ trouble and challenge./ We pray to the Lord.