There are two angel feast days on the liturgical calendar: October 2, the Feast of the Guardian Angels, and September 29, the Feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. The flowers in the picture above are called Michaelmas Asters as they are guaranteed to be in full bloom for the archangel's celebration, even into October's first frost The flower's name is surely a survivor of the Protestant Reformation which changed the names of all the flowers that had spiritual significance.
Anyway, Father Rahner writes that angels are the Entourage of Jesus. Lovely. Entourage (19th c. French for surround) means a group of people who attend or surround an important person. Synonyms would be retinue, escorts, company. We encounter these surrounding angels in the gospels.
The Archangel Gabriel announces the conception of Jesus to the Virgin Mary. Luke 1:26-38
Angels fill the sky with song on Christmas night. Luke 2: 8-20
While angels are not mentioned in the account of Christ's Baptism, they are often present in iconology.
An angel ministers to Jesus at the end of his wilderness fasting. Matthew 4:11
Another angel ministers to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Luke 22:43
There is an angel at the empty Easter tomb. Mark 16:5
And there are angels of instruction in the Ascension sky. Acts 1:10-11
Are they real? Why not? Though statues and icons are only attempts at depicting invisible realities. More importantly (and don't you feel this too?) I want to be counted among Christ's retinue, known to be one of his company, found among those who surround Jesus in love and learning. Happy Feast Day!