Now nearly 2000 posts later,
taking a vacation from blogging for a time
Oremus pro invicem!
It is World Series time/ where the purpose of every baseball game is to "get home."/ Spiritually, there is our heavenly home to hope for,/ but there is also that immediate home/ which is to live in the heart of Christ/ becoming fully Christ's sister;/ Christ's brother./ May we desire this above all else./ We pray to the Lord.
We pray for our parish family at Mass today./ May there be a spirit of openness among us,/ where we share and lift up each other's prayer as we pray our own./ For the gift of persistence in prayer./ We pray to the Lord.
For those who lead nations,/ states,/ counties,/ communities and neighborhoods./ Grant that they may not despair of doing good,/ living in justice and fairness for all./ We pray to the Lord.
There seems to be a great emergence of violence all around./ We pray for Ukraine/ where war has killed more than 1000 children./ For those who live by and in/ gang,/ gun,/ or domestic violence./ For those who are discriminated against because of race,/ ethnicity,/ gender,/ sexual orientation,/ religion/ or any of the ways we sort and divide people./ May we come to see each person as God's child./ We pray to the Lord.
For the many whose lives are ruined by natural disasters and climate change,/ those who are struggling through floods,/ fires,/ hurricanes,/ drought and famine./ For the strengthening and perseverance of the good people who work to help./ We pray to the Lord.
For those who are sick,/ physically,/ emotionally or spiritually./ We remember those in chronic pain or weakness./ For doctors,/ nurses,/ technicians/ and those who staff hospitals,/ clinics,/ nursing homes and hospices./ We pray to the Lord.
November is the month of prayer for the dead./ We pray for our departed loved ones,/ friends and family,/ especially those who I now bring to mind _______./ May they delight in God's mercy,/ light and peace./ We pray to the Lord.
In movies we often hear the name of Jesus used as a curse or expletive./ Many Christians offend in this regard as well./ May be revere the name of Jesus/ which the angel gave to Mary in the Annunciation,/ and be more brave in calling offenders to attention./ We pray to the Lord.
At every Mass we hear the priest, "Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation, through your goodness we have this bread, this wine to offer..." And we respond, "Blessed be God forever!" A lovely brief moment of grateful praise. But it is also a phrase we can take with us through the day, acknowledging the gifts along the way. I've tried it out and left lines at the bottom for you add your own praises.
All that awakens...
noisy flock of sparrows in a bamboo grove,
the English Gothic church made of schist-rock sparkling,
White Pine needles pouring down like rain,
geranium's blood-red flowering — brought in before first frost.
Blessed be God forever!
All that astonishes...
fritillaria bulbs are planted on their sides,
feathered ferns turned bronzy-red,
the compost pile crumbly, warm and black,
the green chasuble's orphrey, blue and gold,
weightless wren's enormous song.
Blessed be God forever!
All that dazzles...
autumn's sunrise pink and yellow,
Witch Hazel's buds—holding orange petals,
the potted cypress leaves lemon scent on my hand,
Monarchs are Mexico bound,
two feet of snow in the drought stricken states.
Blessed be God forever!
All that is marvelous...
Van Gogh's pounding waves — white paint squeezed right out of the tube,
crisped sycamore leaves make clacking sounds in high winds,
morning tea from Kenya and "Ceylon,"
Blue Heron's appearing — its vertical flight,
waking seconds before the black cast iron clock strikes a long mid-night.
Blessed be God forever!
All that is praise-stirring...
this morning's conscious breath,
first thought of God — creative gift-giver,
first thought of Christ's kindness; his Mother's joy,
hearing weather — wind and rain on my window,
tonight's waning crescent — deep yellow-green.
Blessed be God forever!
All that is wonderment...
God's patience with our stupidity and death-stained sin,
a lawn-full of gray acorn-ing squirrels,
the seven year old, styling a yellow yarmulke, zooming around on his Shabbat scooter,
Robin's request—"Are the holly berries ripe?"
September through October—God's resplendent smile.
Blessed be God forever!
All that is delightful...
Strengthen, O Lord, the hands which have been stretched out to receive your holy things, that they may daily bring forth fruit to your glory.
Grant that the ears which have heard your songs may be closed to the voices of clamor and dispute;
That the eyes which have seen your bright love may also behold your blessed hope;
That the tongues which have uttered your praise may speak the truth;
That the feet which have trodden your courts may walk in the regions of light;
That the souls and bodies which have fed upon your living Body and Blood may be restored to newness of life. Amen.
Catholicism is the largest Christian denomination in the United States./ The second largest denomination is fallen-away Catholics./ Many claim to have abandoned the Church because they do not feel genuine community,/ welcome or joy./ May we grow as Jesus would have us grow/ into a global community/ affording humanity an experience of the enfolding love of God./ We pray to the Lord.
A Florida woman was interviewed who had lost everything to Hurricane Ian./ She lay on the ground with her dog where her house had been and said to the interviewer,/ "Tell me what to do and where to go."/ Many people exist this way/ due to famine,/ war or disaster — having no where to go,/ not knowing what to do./ St. Francis said, "I can't do everything, but I can do something."/ We pray to the Lord.
The brutal bombardment of Ukraine continues/ and the world feels more vulnerable by the day./ Grant peace to our world,/ save us from failed leaders — soul-surrendered and shameless in their own obsession with power./ And may we pray this prayer not only for places faraway,/ but for our own country as Election Day approaches./ We pray to the Lord.
We pray for Pope Francis/ and for the Church where it is fractured or marked by distracting tensions./ For the Church where it has not recovered from covid,/ where it is exhausted or tormented by enemies./ For Christian communities which have become complacent or have lost their sense of the Gospel./ We pray to the Lord.
October is the Month of the Rosary — a prayer of going around and around in mystery and contemplation./ May we discover God's Christ-closeness in our own lives/ as we go around and through our day-to-day lives/ where there is joy,/ but also fear,/ loneliness,/ pain,/ doubt,/ trouble and challenge./ We pray to the Lord.
This tender painting is titled, Old Lady with a Rosary. It was created by the Scottish portrait painter, George Fiddes Watt (1873-1960).
There is so much to notice here. This elderly woman lives in extreme poverty. Her dress is faded and worn. Her threadbare, tattered curtains are useless. There is what's left of a broom leaning against the wall under the window. Her spinning wheel is there as well, but I sense she is now too frail to use it. The wooden table with the damaged edge has been around a long time.
There is a small pitcher on the table and a cup of tea perhaps. She has just placed it there — see the steam rising from it. The walls and the floor are the color of the earth. They remind us that death is near, as does the clock on the wall.
What thoughts fill her rosary prayer? What does she bring to her prayer? Maybe just an uncomplicated love of God. Is she lonely, having outlived everyone? Is she mourning the loss of dear ones? Has her poverty reduced her, such that she is asking for death? Maybe she is praying for strength to accept the challenge of dimmed sight, arthritic hands and spine? The beads she holds delicately have gone round and round for a very long time — what stories they could tell. I think she is an image of a faithful soul, accepting what comes each day. She is taking her time — a contemplative soul, full of inner awareness, and I expect gratitude for all that has upheld her over the years.
Even to hold the rosary is a prayer. But if we learn nothing else from her, perhaps this, that finishing the whole thing in record time isn't what matters, but that we pray even the littlest bit of it with attentive love.
There is a wonderful hymn sung in African American churches called, "Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine." Here I have tried to expand on that — celebrating and invoking Christ who hopes for each of us to become awakened and true human persons. That's what authentic religion should do. Might I suggest a slow read with pauses and deep breaths.
The birth of Christ blesses me.
The beauty of Christ cheers me.
The call of Christ my re-creation.
The word of Christ my absolution.
The spirit of Christ brings me to life again.
The arms of Christ enfold me.
The gaze of Christ protects me.
The presence of Christ watches over me.
The light of Christ by which I see.
The uniqueness of Christ evolves my own.
The heart of Christ awakens mine.
The face of Christ restores my smile.
The tears of Christ compassionate me.
The prayer of Christ removes the weapons from my heart.
The breath of Christ to make my speech loving.
The ears of Christ heighten my listening.
The eyes of Christ recognize me.
The side wound of Christ, my entre.
The Kingdom of Christ, I belong.
The Mother of Christ — may I say, merriment?
The miracles of Christ surround me by thousands.
The hands of Christ the touch of peace.
The Cross of Christ dilates my mind.
The Rising of Christ — I am alive!
Monday is National Butterfly and Hummingbird Day./ May we love our planet/ with care for the smallest of God's creatures,/ all of which play a part in sustaining life and wellbeing./ We pray to the Lord.
Tuesday is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi,/ who (perhaps shockingly) said to his religious brothers,/ "Better for you to go out into the street and kiss donkey dung than to even touch money."/ May we be a rightly prioritized people/ who try to live in the simplicity of the gospel,/ keeping far from power and money-love./ We pray to the Lord.
Wednesday is the Jewish Feast of Yom Kippur,/ the Day of Atonement./ We join the Jewish people in asking for the forgiveness of the world's sins:/ the atrocities of war,/ the distribution of increasingly destructive and easily gotten weapons,/ the exploitation of the world's resources,/ the leaving behind of so much of the world in poverty,/ the myriad ways in which we fail the world's children./ We pray to the Lord.
At the start of October we pray for those who celebrate birthdays,/ anniversaries,/ and other days of remembrance./ We ask good health for our relatives and friends/ and strength in the challenges,/ changes and difficulties they contend with./ We pray to the Lord.
Sunday Mass (Eucharist) is an answer to the alienation and polarization we experience these days./ Not only do we believe in/and receive the life of Christ hidden under forms of bread and wine,/ but we do so together./ Mass is the Sacrament of Unity./ May we know,/ experience and value this./ We pray to the Lord.
We make a mistake when we reduce Christianity to being simply a way of believing,/ when it is all the more a way of the heart,/ an inner path of becoming alive and whole./ May we experience a kind of heart-dilation,/ a waking up in awareness,/ listening and seeing deeply and truly,/ friendship/ and even the possibilities for growth through the suffering we experience./ We pray to the Lord.
We pray for the many who suffer through the destructive hurricane this week over Florida and other states:/ evacuees,/ the displaced,/ and those whose property is destroyed./ For helpers and rescuers./ For the healing of the ruined environment./ We pray to the Lord.
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You murder the prophets and stone those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would never have it! Matthew 23:37.
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's knowing it. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not fear, you are more valuable than sparrows. Matthew 10:29-31
Wherever Ukraine is able to take back villages and towns,/ mass graves are discovered,/ some containing many hundreds of people,/ including children and those who appear to have been tortured and executed./ We pray for our poor, tormented world,/ where the most awful things happen./ We pray to the Lord.
Poor Puerto Rico is again destroyed by another hurricane/ five years after hurricane Maria./ It is said that the island was only half way back from that storm which leveled everything and left thousands dead./ Again,/ there is no electricity,/ no clean water./ We pray for those who suffer there and for those who help./ We pray to the Lord.
It is the fall season of Jewish Holidays./ May these days bring peace/ and the lessening of hatred and violence./ We pray to the Lord.
We hold in our minds and hearts the members of our families who are struggling and who ask for help or healing./ For the ones addicted/ divorcing/ whose relationships are broken or stressed,/ who have money problems,/ who are in mourning,/ where things seem to be falling apart./ We pray to the Lord.
Autumn has begun,/ the season of leaf-fall./ But behind each fallen leaf there is already next spring's leaf-bud./ And so we ask not to lose hope these days/ when even at the highest levels,/ lies,/ ugliness,/ dishonesty,/ corruption,/ theft,/ threats of violence,/ obfuscation and disintegration,/ seem to win./ We pray to the Lord.
We pray for Pope Francis,/ his health,/ strength and endurance./ May he be effective in leading the Church in a stressed world./ May his enemies not prevail./ We pray to the Lord.
So, instead of loving what you think is peace, love others and love God above all. And, instead of hating the people you think are warmongers, hate the appetite and the disorder in your own soul, which are the causes of war. If you love peace, then hate injustice, hate tyranny, hate greed - but hate these things in yourself, not in another. Thomas Merton
For Those Who Died in New York City, Washington DC and Shankesville, PA
For Those Who Mourn
Dominus regit me
The Lord is my shepherd;
therefore can I lack nothing.
He shall feed me in a green pasture,
and lead me forth beside the waters of comfort.
He shall convert my soul,
and bring me forth in the paths of righteousness
for his Name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I will fear no evil;
for you are with me; your rod and your staff comfort me.
You shall prepare a table for me in the presence of those that trouble me;
you have anointed my head with oil
and my cup shall be full.
Surely loving-kindness and mercy will follow me all the
day of my my life;
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Psalm 23
The beauty of the schist-y stone church
Beautiful too the Sunday Song.
The beauty of Nazareth's Ave
Beautiful too Bethlehem's Gloria.
The beauty of the cricket awake all night
Beautiful too the silence of dawn.
The beauty of the purple crocus
Beautiful too the pollen-laden bee.
The beauty of Aquila, Cygnus and Phaeton
Beautiful too the night flight on its way to JFK.
The beauty of the womb's conceptus
Beautiful too each person born.
The beauty of spring's greening
Beautiful too autumn's leaf-drop.
The beauty of the cirrus sky
Beautiful too the cloudless.
The beauty of God long ago
Beautiful too a present life in Christ.
The beauty of the weather's changing
Beautiful too a gentling heart.
The beauty of the icon's lamp
Beautiful too Venus at midnight.
The beauty of meeting a saint
Beautiful too expecting to hear God.
The beauty of eyes lifted to heaven
Beautiful too one's feet on the ground.
The beauty of God's reliable love
Beautiful too compunctive tears.
The beauty of the Divine Face
Beautiful too the I and the Thou.
Fr. Stephen Morris
This is 91 year old Ukrainian Holocaust Survivor Vanda Obiedkova/ who died last April while seeking shelter in a basement during the bombing of Mariupol./ Pope Francis has called this invasion:/ morally unjust, unacceptable, barbaric, senseless, repugnant, sacrilegious./ May we not forget/ and pray for the restoration of sanity wherever there are wars./ We pray to the Lord.
At the start of September we pray for those who celebrate birthdays,/ anniversaries and other days of remembrance,/ asking for good health,/ safety,/ well-being and growth in the things of God./ We pray to the Lord.
It is Labor Day weekend./ We pray gratefully for the many whose work provides the basic necessities of our lives:/ food,/ health care,/ law enforcement,/ safety./ For those who are paid unjustly./ For anyone whose work is dangerous./ For those who are out of work./ We pray to the Lord.
Thursday is the Feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary./ We pray for the little girls of the world,/ mindful that many are not allowed to attend school,/ others are enslaved or sex-trafficked,/ still others live sad lives where there is domestic violence or poverty./ Some little girls are thrown away./ We pray to the Lord.
In some places the Church is divided,/ having been infiltrated by political and cultural ideologies./ We pray for those Christians,/ including some among the clergy,/ who have lost the joy of the gospel,/ choosing instead a life of contention./ We pray for our healing and growth in Christ./ We pray to the Lord.
It seems that now for many,/ our go-to emotion when we disagree with others is to make death threats./ Some,/ including politicians and media types stir-up violence,/ danger,/ menace and fear./ We pray boldly for God to heal the national soul./ We pray to the Lord.
A few years ago Pope Francis lovingly referred to the Rosary as, "the sweet chain that ties us to God." And recently a friend and I were talking about her rosary prayer group and she asked about the rosary I own. I sent this picture of the rosary I made when I was newly ordained nearly forty three years ago. It has gone with me all along the way. I can imagine you have your own. I enjoy presenting it here every now and again, inviting folks to pray with me.
Here are short meditations to aid focus between each Hail Mary when perhaps feeling hopeless or heavy hearted. Or maybe you're just sitting in a waiting room and the magazines are a waste of time and you'd care to join the prayer.
Our Father...
I woke this morning beginning the new day with gratitude. God's mercies are all around — that I am God's dear child even when I don't feel it, that I am forgiven what happened even a very long time ago. God did not create me simply to figure out what work I have to do, but how to be, how to live — authentically, like Jesus.
Hail Mary...
Perhaps there is something that weighs heavily on my heart — something which threatens hope in me, which steals away energy, sleep or joy — which tests faith.
Hail Mary...
Is there worry in my life because I feel my aging (or someone dear to me)? I detect physical changes, weakness or losses that concern me. My sight, my hearing, my bones, my mind, my energy? Perhaps these signs of outer loss are an invitation to live more interiorly? In an extroverted world, to go inside. In a world that can't stop talking, to listen, to be more still.
Hail Mary...
The state of the world is causing many people to feel hopeless. We need servant leaders. I pray for them, and that the world would be done with autocrats, liars, cowards, power-grabbers, conspiracy creators, manipulators, disrupters, soulless people devoid of conscience. What grief these people cause.
Hail Mary...
A woman who survived the Yugoslav war said, "We couldn't believe anyone would bomb a medieval city?" But here we are again with the invasion of Ukraine. It is unthinkable that in our time a single man could cause so much death, pain and destruction. Even the churches of his own publicly claimed religion are blown up. In my helplessness I pray...
Hail Mary...
Perhaps there is a person with whom I feel distance. Maybe there has been a disagreement or there is simply physical distance. The nation feels at times as if it is poised for a new war of division. There are people who call for it. Our poor weaponized country. Even the children seem to have lost their right to go to school feeling safe. In my frustration I pray...
Hail Mary...
Some events can cause us to say, "There are no words to describe how I feel." Maybe some trauma, guilt, disappointment, mistake or failure. Is there perhaps some life-turn that I simply can't make sense of, or a worry that I can't seem to shake? In that helplessness I can pray...
Hail Mary...
Is there someone I know whose struggle is chronic — a disability, a wound, handicap, some emotional problem, addiction, depression or physical disease. In my fear of the unknown or not knowing how to help I pray...
Hail Mary...
I only have to walk outside and feel the unrelenting heat and drought to become worried. Or in other places the problem is floods. Everything seems to be record breaking or un-precedented. The covid pandemic and threats of new diseases have left us alienated and worn out. The new weapons the world continually turns out are increasingly fearsome. In my discouragement I can pray...
Hail Mary...
Before I end this rosary decade can I simply be still, quiet, silent — giving heaven some moment or space in which to speak a word.
Hail Mary...
Glory be to the Father