Pauca Verba is Latin for A Few Words.
Showing posts with label Blessing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blessing. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Bless God!

Bless God!

These jumbo trees,




summer-leaved and needle-d


carrying the gibbous moon,

satellite and starlight

and the midnight flight.


Sunday, May 2, 2021

An Eastertime Blessing Before the Protaton Descending Christ


This large fresco is found in the Protaton Church on Mount Athos. Painted in about 1300 by Manuel Panselinos, it depicts the Anastasis, Christ's Descent into Hades (Hell) and his Easter Appearance to the Disciples.

The scenes are recounted in the Apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus. Look closely. A radiant and strong Jesus tramples down the gates of the underworld — the place of humanity's deepest offense, loss and shame. The hardware that keeps that underworld well-defended goes flying. Christ has emptied this hell — pulling each and all out of the dark loneliness. The Old Testament figures are standing to the left. Old Adam is last. 

John the Baptist and a shepherd boy stand by Adam and Eve. Clouds, or a watery abyss are seen at the bottom. A sub-scene is found to the right — Christ appearing before the re-grouped apostles. Peter seems to be apologizing. The wreathed cross flanked by angels and suspended over a rainbow of new beginnings is seen where the mountains are parted. Today is Easter in the Eastern Church. I send a blessing prayer for you.

May Christ's courteous bending uplift you.
May Christ's descent into the darkness dispel dark clouds threatening you.
May the young shepherd's presence reassure you.
May the Baptist's presence keep you standing through the day's challenges.

May Peter's humility lead you out of regret and disappointment.
May Christ's outstretched hand grab hold of your heart and lead you in love.
May Christ's Easter scroll reveal the shock of his teaching — Love one another.
May Christ's Easter earthquake unsettle you into something new.

May you feel the urgency of love Christ has for you.
May the Easter angels deepen your sense of wonder.
May the benevolence of Christ fortify you.
May the crossed gates of the underworld beneath Christ's feet, free you.

May Eve's longing eyes resonate with your own sense of need. 
May Christ rushing over the earth-gash heal your deepest wound.
May Christ's rainbowed cross signal new beginnings for you.
May the clustered Easter apostles evolve you in your relationships.
May the defenses of your own personal life, like the hardware of Hades, be dispelled.

Monday, February 1, 2021

A Blessing Prayer for You on a Snowy Day


May the snowy day refresh you,
   the wooded depth lead you to interiority.

May the snow which will melt,
   the streamlet which will thaw, change your heart.

May the forest fox share its constancy with you,
   the woodland squirrel its vigilance,
   the snowy owl its patience.

May the root-chewing rabbit increase love in you by leaps and bounds,
   the alarmed crows keep you safe from treachery.

May the budded trees whisper renewal,
  the greenwood's ancient endurance invite you to a divine security.

May the forest floor teach you of God's Christ-love, awaiting our return.

Stephen P. Morris