Pauca Verba is Latin for A Few Words.
Showing posts with label Iconostasis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iconostasis. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Why Intercede


The Deeis row of an iconostasis in an Eastern Christians Church is the largest and most significant part of the screen. We see Christ in Majesty, flanked by the Mother of God and St. John the Baptist interceding (supplicating) before and with Christ on behalf of humankind. Often the Deeis row will include the archangels Gabriel and Michael and other saints as well.

Every Thursday intercessions appear on this blog in anticipation of Sunday Mass. This year I suspended them for the weeks of Lent in order to leave the Polenov reflections undisturbed, but now in the Eastertime I've resumed them. They seem to help busy people remember to pray for the world. Some folks tell me they pray them in the pew before Mass begins. Others tell me they integrate them into their night prayer. Someone prints a hardcopy and keeps it by a prayer corner. 

But does interceding for the world even matter? Does it do any good?  World-interceding monks have inhabited Mount Athos in the Greek archipelago since about the year 800 AD.  Of course, in an often angry world they have enemies, people who resent them for whatever reasons. There have even been government or business proposals to shut down the 21 monasteries and drive the nearly 2000 monks away, turning the monastic mountain and peninsula into a money producing land of casinos and high end hotels. The sometimes wild monks reply, "If you destroy this place, the world will end."

In some way, I believe that. Praying for the world — our prayer, as well as the ceaseless prayer of  monastics around the world, is needed. Whatever prayer I offer on behalf of others, I trust God will use it as God sees fit. I believe the world is better off for our prayer because (assuming the prayer comes from an interior place of felt need) that prayer signals there is more compassion and mercy in the world than if we hadn't prayed. 

I expect God is pleased to see compassion expressed for an anguished, struggling world. I want that to increase in me. "The thing you pay attention to, increases," AA says. You're invited to join the prayer here each week.