Pauca Verba is Latin for A Few Words.
Showing posts with label Letting Go. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Letting Go. Show all posts

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Holding On ~ Letting Go

Here are some golden beech tree leaves, chewed on by insects, spent and weighed down a bit by an early November snow. While the leaves of all the other trees have fallen, the beech trees hold on. There's undoubtedly a wonderfully mysterious, botanical reason for this, but the leaves also offer us pause for reflecting about ourselves.

It's about holding on. Each leaf holds on by a thin stem. I'm holding on by a thread, or I'm holding on for dear life, we might say. It was poor Job who coined the phrase, "by the skin of my teeth." Not giving up can feel like that: Holding on for the sake of the children. Holding onto a job that's just awful, but is needed for now. Holding onto friendships. Holding on to dear memories. Holding on to each other in fears or darkness. Holding on to faith or hope.

Sometimes the holding on doesn't serve us well, but leaves us distracted and tired: Holding on to old memories which feed resentments. Holding on to too many things (stuff). Even holding on to another person which relationship isn't serving us well, but is keeping us small, un-evolved or even feeling inwardly ugly. Holding onto past mistakes and regrets, long ago forgiven. That's a big one!

We might have a deeper, silent look at the beech leaves above and give thanks for the holding on which reveals some personal strength, courage or depth of generosity. Ever wonder where it comes from!? Conversely, we might pray for clarity and resolution when, at least in an inner, secret place, we know we'd be better off if we could/would just let go.