Pauca Verba is Latin for A Few Words.
Showing posts with label Saints. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saints. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A Prayer to all the Saints of the Year

Here's a room that's used Fra Angelico's painting of All Saints as wall paper - one hundred and thirty nine British Pounds per square metre.  We can imagine the saints would have been glad for that money to have been used to feed hungry children, but to each his own. Maybe our use of the prayer here (A Prayer to All the Saints of the Year) can help a bit to reclaim them from a pretty frivilous exploitation.

The saints of January,
I love them; I pray to them. 
May they erase my slate,
help me to start again -
to grow in awareness and gratitude.

The saints of February,
I love them; I honor them.
Holy ones,
in the shivering time;
warm and melt,
soften and expand us.

The saints of March,
I love them; I bow to them.
May I drew near to Christ with them,
pleasing him by my 
clean heart -
merciful and compassionate.

The saints of April,
I love them; I invite them.
By their prayer
may we sprout faith, hope and love,
keep a light heart
in the enjoyment of God.

The saints of May,
I love them, I believe in them,
especially Mary,
whose month it is,
and all who love her in simplicity.

The saints of June,
I love them; I worship with them.
Hoping as the light increases
and the days lengthen,
I would draw near to Christ 
who is light.

The saints of July,
I love them; I thank them.
May my life not dry out,
but flow with a fresh capacity
to comfort others.

The saints of August,
I love them; I'm made glad by them. 
Not to run from sacrifices and inconvenience.
For the flowering of God's design for me;
God's purposes and proposals.

The saints of September,
I love them; I trust them.
How admirable their generosity.
May I stay standing -
wondering of God's mercies.

The saints of October,
I love them; I love God with them.
Like the seasons changing,
my evolution into the mind of Christ -
my own life, 
lived in authenticity.

The saints of November,
I love them; I greet them.
Like clean water,
fresh air,
color and light, 
they encourage and surprise me.

The saints of December,
I love them; I enjoy them,
kneeling at the straw-bed of Bethlehem,
hoping to be counted among them.
Pray real love is found in my heart.

Father Stephen Morris